Enrichment » Library


Since almost the dawn of the written word, humans have had libraries.  Libraries were originally a place to store important records and they evolved over thousands of years into the epicenter of knowledge and thought they are known for today.  Libraries are meant to be where any person can come and expand their world view.  There is even a library bill of rights, crafted by the American Library Association, that lays out what every person in the United States is entitled to in a library setting.  These rights include access to materials that present “all points of view on current and historic issues.”  The American Library Association also holds the principle that “Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.”  


These rights align with Montessori principles.  Montessori holds the belief that all children deserve to be heard and that their feelings are valid. As the Oak Farm library has grown over the years, these principles have been held at the forefront in both book selection and in the design of the environments.  Each plane of development has access to a library; curated to meet their interests and needs.  This helps ensure that children can find the resources they need with as much independence as possible.  Maria Montessori said that “No social problem is as universal as the oppression of the child” and there is no greater means of oppression than the lack of access to knowledge and literature.  This is why the library at Oak Farm is an integral part of every child’s day at Oak Farm.