Capital Campaign » Capital Campaign: Athletic Fields

Capital Campaign: Athletic Fields



Like everything we do at Oak Farm Montessori School, sports were added to our curriculum because they met a basic developmental need of our students. The teen years are a time when students are naturally spending more time in the world at large. Teens need socialization, physical activity, and a community outside of their home as they prepare for a healthy transition to the adult world. Athletics provide a safe environment for learning fundamentals while developing a strong sense of community and camaraderie.

As we Take it to the Field, we will ensure that the Montessori values, and those of our founder and Board of Directors, are implemented through athletic competition. Through a community-based campaign, we will take everything we know about educating young people and apply it fully to athletics. We will build athletic fields that benefit both our students and the surrounding community.   


"My homeschooler was able to experience organized school sports
through OFMS. She loved being part of a team and being able to experience
the team feel without having to travel. We all appreciated the

experience." Dailey, mom of OFMS student athlete



We ask for your charitable investment to accomplish this important goal. Please use one of the options below to donate or email our Strategic Partnership Director, Kim Davidson, for more information.

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