Positive Discipline Classes Now Open!

Taking Time to Learn...

What is Positive Discipline?

Discipline doesn’t have to be uncomfortable to be effective. Positive Discipline, based on Adlerian Psychology, encourages maintaining dignity and respect through a balance of firmness and kindness—especially important when parenting teens.

Join fellow parents of teens and our trained Positive Discipline instructor, Ines Oldenburg (Oak Farm Montessori Teacher), for a six-week course that will help you:


  1. Connect Before You Correct – Adolescence is a time of rapid change, and when teens feel safe and understood, they are more open to learning and making positive choices. Connection is the foundation of effective guidance.

  2. EnCOURage – Cour means heart. Positive Discipline encourages a shift from controlling behaviors to supporting your teen's thinking and fostering independence, while still providing guidance and boundaries.

  3. Get Into the Teen’s World – Adolescents view the world differently from adults. Inspired by Alfred Adler’s insights, learn to step into your teen’s shoes to gain understanding and create deeper empathy.

Course Details:

  • Dates: Starting March 27th, six-week course
  • Time: Thursday, 6:00 - 7:30 pm
  • Cost: $25 per individual, $45 per couple


Give yourself some new tools for parenting during the teen years.

Reserve your spot today!

Get more information and register by clicking this link: Registration

Contact Ines Oldenburg: [email protected]