FFA Heads to State!

Learning and Leadership
School may be out for summer, but 11 Oak Farm Montessori FFA members enjoyed several days at Purdue University attending the 94th Indiana State FFA Convention earlier this week that included over 2,000 members and guests from across the state. Several students also competed in Leadership Development Events and gained invaluable experience and skills for career and life success, but they also had a lot of fun!
Reese Wolheter, Riley Fitzharris, Charlie Brubaker, Avery Cather, and Madelyn Burtch competed in the Discovery Ag Issues Leadership Development Event and placed fourth in the competition.
Ryan Kochanski, Derek Hale, Cooper Routsong, and Reid Kaiser placed fifth in the Agriculture Communications event.
Cooper Routsong placed 8th in Freshman Extemporaneous Speaking after winning the District III competition. In addition, our chapter was recognized as a Superior Chapter for our work over the last year!
All of these students, as well as Andy Sondek and Grace Hale, represented @Oak Farm Montessori School well at the state convention and enjoyed participating in convention activities. We teamed up with Prairie Heights FFA to travel and made lots of new friends in the process.
FFA students in jackets  Several FFA students holding award  Photo of Oak Farm Montessori name on slideshow for recognition