Everything's coming up tulips!

order now buttonThis fall, students in the middle school greenhouse decided to invest $500 from their microeconomy budget to purchase 3,000 tulip bulbs in hopes of selling bouquets in the spring. They researched different varieties, the most popular colors, how to plant them to prevent critters from devouring them, and then set about preparing the ground for the process. The bulbs were encased in a metal cage for protection and much care and effort was put into the all day activity.
As winter snow fell and then spring rains arrived, students anxiously waited to see those tiny green sprouts poke through the ground. Hard work and perseverance paid off as a sea of curly green leaves now cover their garden. Their student run business will be preselling 15 stem, multi-colored, bouquets in a vase for $20. Pick up will be available just in time for Mother's day on May 11th or 12th, from 3:00 - 3:45pm at the school. Use this link to order your bouquet today!
planting the bulbs  a sea of planted tulip bulbs  leaves starting to poke through  curly green leaves